Thursday, March 10, 2016

A Cleaner Clean with NO SCRUBBING!

When we bought our house we knew that it would be an adventure of renovations and cleaning up.  You don't buy a 1950's house and expect it not to have a little "character".  One little piece of our house that adds to the character is the bathroom.  Originally it had pink and gray tile... PINK TILE.  It was the first thing to go, click here for that adventure.  However getting rid of the old iron tub was not an option.  I have scrubbed that tub to sparkling white  but something that is hard to clean is the bright white caulk until I discovered this little trick!


Here is the thing, I am a super clean person, and I am scrubber.  So scrubbing my tub clean and not being able to clean this mess was driving me crazy!!


Amazing right??  My little trick is to twist up a paper towel and dip it in bleach.  Lay the soaked paper towel across your trouble area for a couple of hours.  When you remove the paper towels it will look like mine bright white again!  So easy and no scrubbing!  

Here is the  side by side comparison.


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