One of the endearing things I found about my husband was that he is an adventure seeker. Hiking, climbing, swimming, backpacking, you know, very manly activities. Watching animals in the wild, never knowing what is down the trail, beautiful scenery, living off what you can carry on your back (even if for a short time.) Ahh the great outdoors! Who wouldn't enjoy such adventure? Me. That's who. I know, I know what's not to love? But, I seriously cannot get excited about wandering through the woods, sleeping on the ground, and possibly being eaten by a bear. Okay maybe that last one was a little dramatic. However, this fall I am determined to fall in love with the great outdoors... slowly. So this weekend begins my courtship with the great outdoors, just a quick day hike through the mountains of Tennessee. My contribution is, of course, food. Whereas I cannot start a fire with flint and steel I can make a mean trail mix.
The best trail mix you will ever have |
The Best Trail Mix Ever
1 c. wasabi peas
1 c. shelled pistachios
1 c. roasted peanuts
1/2 c. roasted almonds
1 c. sesame sticks
1/2 c. pecans
1/2 c. cashews
I bought my ingredients at Publix. They have a great selection of organic ingredients. I dumped all the ingredients in a gallon size bag and shook it up. Tomorrow is the big hike! Stay tuned for updates and play by play pics on Instagram.